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Internautica 2024

INTERNAUTICA is renowned as the most important traditional Adriatic Boat Show providing its partners and exhibitors various options to present their exhibition programs. It offers visitors a variety of possibilities to get in touch with latest nautical novelties just before the start of the new sailing season. It has a significant impact on the regional leisure marine industry market and sales results.
INTERNAUTICA is an excellent business platform offering many opportunities for professional meetings, various events, sport and social events, generating endless possibilities for new business relations.
Most importantly, INTERNAUTICA is much more than just a boat show. With its versatile excellence, business orientation and facilitation of tourism, it plays an important role in positively stimulating regional development and the economy, which is why, according to the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor (Honorary Chairman of the International Boat Show), INTERNAUTICA and Slovenian tourism have annually complemented each other.
It also represents best possible environment for the presentation of activities promoting sustainable development and campaigns, such as the »Blue Flag« and »Adriatic Boat of the Year Award”, promoting new technologies, innovations and ecological awareness to the visitors.
Long and active membership status in the International Federation of the organisers of world’s best Boat Shows, IFBSO, is for sure a recognition for a long-standing work and achieved high quality standards.

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